Vlach expansion in southern-balkan

Vlach expansion in southern-balkan
Vlach expansion a.d I.c. to XII. century

2012. május 27., vasárnap

IT'S A COLD WAR - and because of You are the reason for this fact, it's Your sin, Mr. "Liberal" VICTOR PONTIAC...!

Yes, we are sorry, BUT the new PM of Wallachia - a month ago, -

Look: Vector PONTIAC, PM of  WALACHIA (vithout spectacle...), LET'S FREE HUNT IT!

WELL, this exist animus is just now MAKING THE COLD WAR against two neighbours EU-member countries...
The vlaches are a miserable, primitív, lower-balkanic pigs.

"LIBERAL PARTY" of Romunia
with an ANTONESCU.....

WE, magyars, turanic, altayic, hun-avar-onogur NATION 

NOT-NOT-NEVER shall RESIGNING ourselwes to the Trianon "peace"-dictate,  

WITHOUT a defeat of only ONE BATTLE from the VLACH DOGS,
the Great War we didn't defeat in the Balkan;

( in other fronts, against russians the enemy ask from us a PEACE..- Lenin,
in the italian front was a beaten.)

FEEL IT against Romuns:

                                    VESSZEN TRIANON!

1 megjegyzés:

  1. 2012 05. 27.

    MÉG FOLYTATOM, most úszó-EB-t és futballt nézek.

    MA VOLT NYÍRŐ JÓZSEF Székely Apostol nem engedélyezett temetése...

    A kurva anyját a "román ""LIBERÁLIS" " kormánynak - rosszabbak, mint a Romania Mare!

    Nyugi, a folytatás MAGYARUL LESZ!
